150 research outputs found

    Compact Kac algebras and commuting squares

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    We consider commuting squares of finite dimensional von Neumann algebras having the algebra of complex numbers in the lower left corner. Examples include the vertex models, the spin models (in the sense of subfactor theory) and the commuting squares associated to finite dimensional Kac algebras. To any such commuting square we associate a compact Kac algebra and we compute the corresponding subfactor and its standard invariant in terms of it.Comment: 14 pages, some minor change

    Quantum automorphism groups of homogeneous graphs

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    Associated to a finite graph XX is its quantum automorphism group GG. The main problem is to compute the Poincar\'e series of GG, meaning the series f(z)=1+c1z+c2z2+...f(z)=1+c_1z+c_2z^2+... whose coefficients are multiplicities of 1 into tensor powers of the fundamental representation. In this paper we find a duality between certain quantum groups and planar algebras, which leads to a planar algebra formulation of the problem. Together with some other results, this gives ff for all homogeneous graphs having 8 vertices or less.Comment: 30 page

    Quantum groups and Fuss-Catalan algebras

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    The categories of representations of compact quantum groups of automorphisms of certain inclusions of finite dimensional C*-algebras are shown to be isomorphic to the categories of Fuss-Catalan diagrams.Comment: 12 page

    The planar algebra of a coaction

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    We study actions of ``compact quantum groups'' on ``finite quantum spaces''. According to Woronowicz and to general \c^*-algebra philosophy these correspond to certain coactions v:A→A⊗Hv:A\to A\otimes H. Here AA is a finite dimensional \c^*-algebra, and HH is a certain special type of Hopf *-algebra. If vv preserves a positive linear form \phi :A\to\c, a version of Jones' ``basic construction'' applies. This produces a certain \c^*-algebra structure on A⊗nA^{\otimes n}, plus a coaction vn:A⊗n→A⊗n⊗Hv_n :A^{\otimes n}\to A^{\otimes n}\otimes H, for every nn. The elements xx satisfying vn(x)=x⊗1v_n(x)=x\otimes 1 are called fixed points of vnv_n. They form a \c^*-algebra Qn(v)Q_n(v). We prove that under suitable assumptions on vv the graded union of the algebras Qn(v)Q_n(v) is a spherical \c^*-planar algebra.Comment: 39 page
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